Where to Relocate Trapped Animals

Relocation is always believed as an effective, humane, and fast solution to your Indianapolis wildlife problem; sadly, this is not necessarily the case. If you failed to find the suitable location, this process will be inhumane, ineffective and can be a destructive method in terms of the ecology. Therefore, most states will have a stern rule when it comes to relocation. Some animals will not be allowed to relocate away from the property where you captured them.

Places to Relocate Wild Animals
Most people will think that they are giving the wild animals a better chance to live if they released them back to the wild. However, there are a lot of unpredictable factors in the wild that can affect their rate of their survival. For instance, they can be attacked by a predator or there can be no accessible food. The territory might be occupied by a dominant creature which will make it difficult for them to look for a place to live during the harsh weather season. By taking these things into account, you will be able to find the best place for them to relocate.

Places that Provides Them Covering
The place where you will release them should have various opportunities to conceal their presence from the threat of the predator. After you release them from the trap, their first instinct of the creature is to look for a safe place since this is an unfamiliar environment. Failing to do so can expose them to several risks. The place should have tall grass, debris, piles of woods, etc. You should also pay attention to the time when you are releasing them. If possible, you should never release them when the weather is bad.

Consider the Animals Dwelling in Indiana
You should also think about the animals that are already occupying the place. Releasing them on an occupied Indianapolis territory can lead to a territorial dispute. Usually, when we see the same species surviving in that place, we will often think that it would be a suitable place to relocate them. Unfortunately, not all animals are social creatures. Other animals will prefer to be alone and will be aggressive when their territory has been invaded by other animals even creatures of the same species.

Available Food Source
There should also be an abundance of food sources for them. While they will generally receive their daily water supply from the foods that they eat, there should still be enough water in the area. They might have to fight with the other animals in the area that may result to death and injury.

Relocation has always been ineffective on its own. If you failed to find out the root cause of the animal infestation, then a new nuisance animal will replace them after only a couple of days. Sealing the entry points, and removing their access to food, water, and shelter is the better way to prevent the recurring infestation. Simple home modifications to keep your house wildlife-proof will deliver a long-term resolution.

Visit our Indianapolis wildlife control home page to learn more about us.